Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Land Boat

Okay, I'm driving home from work tonight and this guy in a "Land Boat" swerves over in front of me. In case you don't know, a "Land Boat" is a very large car. This particular car looked a bit like a 1972 Impala.

You see, I was leaving extra space in front of me, just like they taught me in drivers ed almost 30 years ago, and apparently he just couldn't resist. I was a little upset with his agressive behavior, but I let it go because I became amused by him.

He was sitting in the drivers seat, sort of. He was leaning reallllly far to the right, his head was centered under the rear view mirror. Seriously, I could see the entire steering wheel. Every so often he would straighten up a tich, but then he'd go right back to his own personal interpretation of the leaning tower of Pisa.

I'm thinking that there are a few valid reasons why he was sitting in this unusual manner.

1. He was suffering from a painful back problem and this is the only way he can comfortably sit in a car.

2. He isn't tall enough to see over the steering wheel and must lean to the right just to see the road clearly.

3. The car is so stinkin' old that there is a very large and painful spring poking out right where his left cheek should be located and the extreme lean is the only way to avoid aforementioned spring.

4. He's a guy from the hood and this is the normal driving position to avoid gun shots.

Can you come up with any valid reasons why he drove in such an unusual position?


Martha H. said...

I think I may have peed a little reading this. You should blog more. Really!

I think maybe he had scoliosis. Just sayin'...

mCat said...

LOL!! Okay, I think he was a very short man who couldn't see, with a spring poking his left cheek, who dodges bullets in the hood.

Please, for the love of all that's holy, BLOG MORE!!!