Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Are You Actually Supposed to Be Able to SEE the Air?

This is the view off my back deck. My deck typically has a nice view of Mount Olympus in the distance. You can even see it in my blog header up above, I took that photo around Christmas-time.
I can handle the cold temperatures that winter in Utah brings, but the icky air is nasty. Just to clarify, this is not fog this is dirty, icky smog. When will the icky end? The weatherman says probably not until Sunday. Eewwww!

The upside? I understand the Salt Lake Valley had even worse air back in the day when everyone burned coal in their furances in the winter. Just sayin'.

Project 365 - January 18th

1 comment:

mCat said...

cough cough gasp gasp - I can CHEW the air....... and it don't taste good!