Friday, January 23, 2009


Why, if there are only two people living in this house, are they so many socks? Two people, two feet each, 4 socks per day. Seven days in a week makes 28 socks per week. If you go to the gym you need an extra 2 socks per day cause you can't wear dress socks in your tennies, not good. So lets just say 40 socks per week. Since we're girls we can't just buy 20 pairs of identical socks, that would make life so much easier. No, we have to have all kinds of socks to go with every outfit.

I'm making no actual confessions here, but some of these socks haven't seen their mates in quite some time. If Sprout would actually clean her room and find some more socks it might help me with my OCDedness toward socks. I just can't part with them if it's possible the missing one is buried in her room somewhere.

Speaking of dirty rooms I have a funny story. My BFF, Kathy, and I have referred to our messy homes as Pig Styes for many years. (I'm just warning you before you get here that the house is a Pig Stye. No problem, we'll feel right at home 'cause ours is one too.) When her youngest was about 3 she told her mom she needed help because her room looked like a Pig Died. Haa haaa. We adopted the term immediately. My craft room looks like a pig died, really.

Am I alone in this? Is my home the only one around that looks like a pig died?

Just a note: These are not ALL mis-matched socks. I got all the laundry done and these are all the socks that need to be sorted. But, I bet I only find matches for half of them. :-(

Project 365 - January 23rd


mCat said...

Okay, new term! Pig died!
And yes, the basement, Tuffy's domain is a pig died!

Martha H. said...

That's a lot of socks, my friend. Get to sorting.

Love the 'pig died' term.