Sunday, January 11, 2009

Project 365 - January 5th

This is what happened today. I actually took the photo yesterday morning because it had snowed in the night. I thought the snow looked quite pretty with the bright sun shining on it. Ooops, I digress. What REALLY happened today was a two and a half hour drive home from work. Eighteen miles, 150 minutes. Yuck! In that amount of time I could have been half-way to St George. I realize that in some part of the country 150 minutes is rather normal. A normal commute, when I drive, is 35 minutes.

I am SUPPOSED to take the bus when I'm working downtown. However, this morning I just wasn't feeling any love for the bus. I thought that maybe with the snow coming that if I drove I wouldn't have to slog through the snow to get to the bus stop, then to the office, then back to the bus stop. Turns out that the folks on the bus only had a 75 minute commute. I apparently made a R E A L L Y bad choice about which route to take home.

The good news was that I could text and talk on the phone all I wanted without having to worry about being safe. You see the traffic would move about 10 feet and then stop again for 3 minutes. I was yacking with my friend, Sandy, for 35 minutes and during that time I drove a little under 3 miles. Ugggg.

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