Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I Looked Out the Window and What Did I See?

I work in a high-rise in downtown Salt Lake City. The building is currently surrounded by construction chaos. My cubicle is located on the 9th floor, which used to be only 2 floors above the parking structure that surrounded the building on 3 sides. That is no more. The mall that I used to play in as an annoying pubescent child is no more. The really cool mall that had several levels of criss-crossing escalators is no more. Things they are a changing.

On the south side of my office building is a very large crane. It is attached into the building in a couple of places and is completely computerized. Several times a day I watch the crane glide past my window. Sometimes it’s empty and sometimes it’s carrying an object. I’ve seen generators, wood, metal beams and at least once a week a couple of port-a-pottys. Yes, you read that correctly, port-a-pottys.

However, nothing can quite compare to the view on Monday. There were five, yes folks, five port-a-pottys flying past my window. It was a sight to behold. I was on the phone with my mom and was so distracted by the vision that she had to ask me if I was still there. Oooops. I even had to chuck a small foam ball at Marty to get her attention so that she too could see the wonder of it all.

Have you ever seen five port-a-potty fly?


Martha H. said...

Why, yes I have. Just the other day. ;)

mCat said...

I hope to NEVER see 5 port-a-potty's fly. sick AND wrong.