1. Cleaning and dejunking burns lots of calories.
2. If your house is dirty and disorganized it takes a lot of effort to get it presentable for an appraisor to come.
3. If you cleaned and dejunked on a more regular basis you wouldn't need to borrow the neighbors garbage and recycle bins.
4. When you're out of shape and you do heavy cleaning and dejunking of your home you can injure your knee and have to do month-end with an icepack strapped to it.
5. When you hoard boxes for months thinking that you're going to need them someday when you finally decide to dejunk the basement and the day finally comes you will have saved four times more than you'll ever use. (Luckily, your daughters BFF comes over and asks if you have boxes because she's moving so you can come to her rescue and have your problem solved all at the same time.)
Merry Christmas from the Catmull's 2018 edition
6 years ago